Economic Opportunity Funders (EOF) is holding their annual budget and tax briefing virtually this year over the course of April. See and register for the events below.


Federal Policy, Budget, and Revenue Outlook

April 8, 2021 * 1:00-2:15 pm eastern

Government services, structures, and systems are an essential foundation for a healthy economy where opportunity and prosperity are broadly and equitably shared. The twin pandemics of COVID-19 and systemic racism have exposed and deepened our current economy’s structural weaknesses and inequalities and spurred a new moment of national reckoning on racial justice. Join us to learn more about key provisions in the federal budget and recovery package, upcoming budget debates, and strategies to advance worker justice, social protections, and an economy that works for all.


  • Dr. Michael McAfee, President & CEO, PolicyLink
  • Sharon Parrott, President, Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
  • Marcia Egbert, Program Director, The George Gund Foundation (Moderator)

Register here!


State Policy, Budget, and Revenue Outlook

April 15, 2021 * 12:00-2:00 pm eastern

The COVID-19 pandemic and recession triggered a state budget crisis and exposed and deepened our current economy’s structural weaknesses and inequalities. The anticipated federal fiscal relief and stronger than anticipated revenue projections suggest the worst is probably over, leaving some state policymakers proposing harmful tax cuts and austerity policies that will slow down the recovery and cause further harm to families and communities, with disproportionate impacts on immigrants, tribal nations, communities of color, and women. Now is the time to advance bold progressive revenue policies where everyone pays their fair share and communities can thrive. Join us to learn more about how states are responding and what’s at stake and in play in 2021. This two-part program will share an overview of key policy and narrative battles and opportunities in the states and offer lessons learned and insights from proactive and defensive revenue campaigns in New Jersey and West Virginia.


  • Kelly Allen, Executive Director, West Virginia Budget and Policy Center
  • Michael Leachman, Vice President of State Fiscal Policy, Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
  • Brandon McKoy, President, New Jersey Policy Perspective
  • Mariya Taher, Narrative Liaison, Topos Partnership
  • Misha Werschkul, Executive Director, Washington Budget and Policy Center
  • Karina Jimenez Lewis, Associate Director of Policy Reform & Advocacy, The Annie E. Casey Foundation (Moderator)

Register here!


Making the Case for Cash

April 22, 2021 * 1:00-2:00 pm eastern

As millions of Americans continue to struggle to make ends meet, there has been increased national attention to and growing public support for cash transfers as an effective way to get money into the pockets of people hit hardest by the pandemic and economic crisis. Government and philanthropy are experimenting with a variety of approaches – universal basic income pilots, emergency stimulus, and tax credits – to explore how to ensure that families who need it the most have access to flexible resources. Join us to learn more about how government, philanthropy, and advocacy organizations are making the case for cash.


  • George Jones, CEO, Bread for City
  • Aisha Nyandoro, CEO, Springboard to Opportunities
  • Nisha Patel, Powered by Shakti (Moderator)

Register here!