Count All Kids Toolkit
Wondering how you can help make sure that all children are counted in the 2020 census? The Count All Kids Toolkit is a great place to start! Count All Kids Toolkit
Wondering how you can help make sure that all children are counted in the 2020 census? The Count All Kids Toolkit is a great place to start! Count All Kids Toolkit
The Early Childhood Funders Collaborative has launched a new web landing page highlighting information on the young child undercount and funder resources and tools! ECFC Census Landing Page
Sixteen national organizations have been supported to provide research, messaging information, training, technical assistance, materials, and more to state and local organizations. Attached is a list of these national Get Out the Count hub organizations along with contact information and a brief summary of their plans in case you or any of your grantees want…
This is a letter published by Gary on Friday, February 22, 2019. Several of you have approached me or the Funders Census Initiative about interest in a funder amicus brief on the citizenship question before the Supreme Court. As noted below, we are in discussions with litigators about the advisability of such a brief –…
The Count All Kids Campaign is dedicated to making sure all children are counted in the 2020 Census. It is spearheaded by the Children’s Leadership Council and Partnership for America’s Children and is comprised of national, state, and local organizations working together to make sure that policies, procedures, and messaging are all in place that…
The Population Reference Bureau used data from the most recent American Community Survey to estimate the impact of a citizenship question in the 2020 Census. This informative blog post shows the wide-ranging impact, especially for children.
Young children are the most under-counted group in the Census. The Census Bureau released this brief on what you can do to make sure that all young children are counted in 2020. Counting Young Children in the 2020 Census
The 2018 KIDS COUNT Data Book provides a state-by-state look at child outcomes and trends in the US. This year, the focus was on the young child undercount in the Census – why it matters and what we can do to alleviate the problem in 2020.
The Leadership Conference offers countless resources on the Census, including information on how it works, citizenship questions, funding allocation, and the impact on hard to count populations, including young children and communities of color.
Some places face greater challenges to a fair and accurate Census count than others. This interactive map provides information on how “hard to count” is defined and allows you to search by state, county, and legislative districts to see what communities near you may face greater struggles. Rural communities often face unique challenges during Census…