A Primer on SFFA v. Harvard/UNC – Q&A with National Women’s Law Center

With contributions from Emily Martin. Tell us what SFFA v. Harvard/UNC was about. Students for Fair Admission (SFFA) sued Harvard University and the University of North Carolina (UNC) alleging that their consideration of race in admissions decisions violates Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act (which prohibits federally funded programs and activities, including universities,…

A Conversation with Wendy Pollack, Sargent Shriver National Center on Poverty Law [VIDEO!]

In this brief video, Wendy reviews barriers to college access for workers, current policies affecting access at both the state and national levels, and ideas for ways philanthropy can reduce the barriers to college access and increase college completion. The Shriver Center developed a guide for students called Getting Ahead: An Adult Student’s Guide to…

Child Care Access & Affordability and Post-Secondary Education – Q&A with CLASP

With contributions from Amy Ellen Duke-Benfield. Why does child care access and affordability matter for students? How common is it for students to be parents? Today’s college students are increasingly low-income students balancing work, family, and school. Assistance with paying for quality child care services could increase student-parents’ ability to make ends meet and finish…

Economic Security, Public Benefits, and Post-Secondary Education – Q&A with Jobs for the Future

With contributions from Cynthia Liston & David Altstadt. What is the difference between college affordability, total cost of attendance, and unmet need? Why does students’ economic security matter? Economic security matters for college students because too many are failing to complete their education due to financial barriers. The fact is we need more students with…

An Overview of Post-Secondary Education Access and Policy in the US – Q&A with IWPR

With contributions from Lindsey Reichlin Cruse & Barbara Gault. At the Roundtable, we’ve been talking about building webs of support that provide stability for children and families. While every family’s web looks different, what are some ways that low-income post-secondary students’ webs may differ from those of other students? Over half of today’s undergraduate students…