Upcoming events of interest

If you are interested in the intersection of immigration and child welfare, check out: A Threat to Health & Well-Being: Public Charge’s Expected Impact and How Philanthropy Can Respond GCIR webinar September 26, 2019 If you are curious about innovative funding for policy advocacy, check out: Philanthropy’s New Playbook for Policy Advocacy Urban Institute event…

We Can All Prosper: College and Workforce Training Access and Completion – A Funder Strategy Conversation

Education and workforce training open doors for families to greater economic security and flexibility, but for many families, there are substantial barriers. This is especially true for low-income families and communities of color. For the past several months, we have explored the dynamics of these barriers, including policies that are quickly changing to restrict access…

Funder Q&A with Rob Hope & Elena Chavez Quezada of The San Francisco Foundation

Rob Hope, Initiative Officer, Bay Area Workforce Funders Collaborative, The San Francisco Foundation Elena Chavez Quezada, Senior Director, Expanding Access to Opportunity, The San Francisco Foundation The San Francisco Foundation has a creative grantmaking strategy tailored to its community and the urgency created by the Bay Area’s rapid change. All of The Foundation’s work is…

Funder Q&A with Rebecca Allen of Melville Charitable Trust

Becca Allen, Program Officer, Melville Charitable Trust Rebecca Allen, Program Officer, Melville Charitable Trust The Melville Charitable Trust is the largest foundation in the US exclusively focused on ending homelessness. Located in Connecticut, Melville works in the intersections of homelessness, health, and economic security. We chatted with Becca about Secure Jobs Connecticut, an effort to…

Funder Q&A with Sara Levin of United Way of King County

Sara Levin, Vice President, Community Services, United Way of King County Sara Levin, Vice President, Community Services, United Way of King County United Way of King County has three core missions – help students graduate, end homelessness, and break the cycle of poverty. They seek innovative solutions to challenges in their community that they can…