Focus on Connections: What I believe makes this Roundtable unique is its focus on connectedness — connectedness with other funders, with field partners, and affinity groups.

Focus on Connections: What I believe makes this Roundtable unique is its focus on connectedness — connectedness with other funders, with field partners, and affinity groups.
Working Across Siloes: It is easy and comfortable to connect with and collaborate with those who share your issue expertise and language. But, it is when you get uncomfortable, working at the intersections of issues, that real change happens. This is critical because the challenges families face are not in silos. The solutions are not in silos. We won’t get to where we need to be unless we get comfortable with being uncomfortable.
About the Roundtable: I am excited about the Roundtable because there is a need for a forum of funders who are concerned about children, youth and family issues to share ideas, learn about the latest research and find opportunities for possible collaboration.
About the Roundtable: It is important because if we are going to even attempt to get at root causes and better outcomes for children, families, communities, and the larger society, then we must work together across issue areas to listen and learn from one another and co-create more holistic solutions.